Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, the journey to the new me continues!

2014 is here and I am ready for the continued journey to the new me!

As we all sit here thinking about what we want to accomplish, overcome or challenge ourselves to do with the fresh start of a new year, I honestly can say that this is going to be an awesome year.  How do I know this?  Simply because I am going to make it just that!  No excuses!   I have decided that there are some things that I want to do and I don't' want to let anything stop me from accomplishing those things - this includes me getting in my own way!

I have already mentioned a few of my goals for this year and I wanted to expand on a few of those now that they new year is here...

My running journey is going to continue.  I have signed up for  my first Full Marathon and training starts on the 11th.  These first few weeks (ok months) of training runs are going to be cold, but I need to just get out and do it!  Even if this means investing in some warmer gear for running, getting up early on Saturday morning and facing whatever mother nature throws at me. The idea of running a full marathon still scares the heck out of me!  The furthest I have EVER run is a half marathon!  Running 26.2 miles is a scary thing!  I however know that I have an amazing group of friends and family that will be there to support me 100% of the way.  Deep down, I know that I can do it, I just need to keep a positive mindset and take each training run, one run at a time.

I have also decided that I will probably not run as many 5k's over the next year, but will instead focus on a few key races and fill the rest of the weekends with training runs, Events with myTEAM TRIUMPH and actually spending more time with family and friends.  Last year was awesome, but I also know that there were many things that I missed out on because I had races that I was registered for, virtually every weekend from June through November.   Don't get me wrong, I love the excitement and adrenaline rush of a race, but I can run anywhere, it doesn't have to be an organized race with a few thousand other people!  I will just be more selective on which ones I register for!

On this on-going journey, today I started my Advocare 24 Day Challenge.  The next 24 day will be filled with fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins and getting back into a regular routine at the gym and running.  Over the last few months, I have eliminated a lot of processed foods, but avoiding them is my mission during this challenge.  No junk food...  No Beer, no wine...  I am determined to do it!  Over the next few weeks, I will try to post updates along the way on the progress!

What are your goals and aspirations for 2014?  How will you challenge yourself to make it the best year that it can be?  What ever it is, just go out and make it happen!

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