Monday, February 24, 2014

Plans never go through without change!

Another Sunday night, crackling fire and, relaxing, Watching a movie with my family.

I don't know about you, but some days I really wish time would slow down so that I could feel like I really enjoy these days.  No matter how well you think you have things planned out, we have to be ready for the unexpected.  There will always be changes that need to be made to the plan.  Having viable options in a pinch is always important.  This is true for workouts, family dinners, shuttling kids to and from events, or even rest days.

This week was no different.  Thankfully it was a "normal" week (and I only worked minimal overtime hours), but when it starts out with a snowstorm on Monday that closed schools early, I should have known that the week was going to be another crazy one. I headed home from work a early to get Darrin from school and was really glad that I did!  I had to deal with some snow on the roads, but from stories I heard from others that were traveling later in the day, I consider myself lucky that I was home as early as I was!

Unfortunately, the weather also brought the cancellation of all classes at the gym for Monday night.  So much for my Double Up Monday!    My son had a meeting scheduled downtown from 5-8, so my workout plan for the week was going to start out with a bang!  A regular Renegade Mission at 5:30, followed by a Cardio Circuit class at 6:30, allowing me to get downtown to pick him up by 8pm.  However, Snowstorm Carol had other ideas.  Everything was cancelled for Monday night... no driving downtown for Darrin's meeting, no going to the gym for me and nothing planned for dinner!  So, after rearranging the evening menu, getting dinner finished and driveways cleared, this was one tired chick!  I really should have spend the evening in the basement on the treadmill or getting in a few Renegade workout videos but that didn't happen.  By the time we finished dinner, I was ready for bed!

Even though I didn't get in my planned workout on Monday, I didn't let it ruin the rest of the week.  I knew that I didn't have any "free" time to get in an extra workout or run, but I made sure that each and every one of the workouts that I did get to was completed with maximum effort.

In the end, I can say that the week was a success.  Everyone got where they needed to be.  I was at the gym for each and every workout that I signed up for, I survived another cold, icy marathon training run (gotta love glare ice streets in Wisconsin, which will probably be here until May at this rate!).  Plus, still made time for dinner out on Saturday with some friends.  It all took some shuffling around and revised planning, but we did it!
Oh yeah!  My new running shoes finally arrived on Friday!  After what seemed like forever (in reality it was only a week) they finally got to meet my feet!  For the first time in 2 years, I bought somethign besides Sauconey's, so we will see how this goes!   Now, time to decide which are going to be taking the trip to Arizona with me in a few weeks...  decisions, decisions, decisions!

So when life throws a wrinkle in your plan, just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Yes You Can


Really, that is all I can say right now.

My son and I had the unbelievable opportunity tonight to hear Dick Hoyt of Team Hoyt speak at the Bellin Run kick off celebration.  What a humble, amazing individual!

Dick Hoyt, true inspiration to many!
For anyone not familiar with Team Hoyt and what they have accomplished, you can find their entire store here at Team Hoyt.  Rick was born a spastic quadriplegic and would never be able to walk or talk.  Equipped with a special computer, Rick was able to attend public school and continue to learn and thrive, despite his disability. When he was 15, Rick asked his father (Dick) if they could run a 5 mile race that was being organized to help raise funds for a classmate who was injured in an accident.  Dick pushed Rick in a stroller through the entire 5 miles, despite the fact that everyone thought they would just run down to the corner and turn around.  They finished next to last, but they finished!  That night, Rick told his father that when he runs, he felt like his disability disappeared.  That was the start of something amazing.

From that day in 1977, they started competing together and have participated in over 1000 events including marathons, triathlons and and Iron Man competitions.  I sit here and think about my training runs and races that I have done over the last year.  Many days, I sometimes struggles just to get one foot in front of the other, getting myself across the finish line.  I could not imagine completing some of these endurance events on my own, let alone getting someone else across the finish line!  Swim over 2 miles pulling someone in an inflatable raft? Bike 100+ miles with someone else riding on the front of the bike? Run 26.2 miles pushing someone in a stroller?  Doing any one of these activities would be more than most people would be able to do.  Dick did just that on a regular basis with Rick.  That is true inspiration, and an unbelievable bond between a father and son.

Tonight Dick was in Green Bay to share their amazing story.  And in reality, amazing does not even begin to describe what Team Hoyt has done.  Here is a man who runs for his son, so that his son can experience everything that life has to offer. One of the many accomplishments that Dick spoke about tonight was their cross country adventure, 3,700+ miles from California to Boston - in 45 days.  Not only did they complete what everyone told them was impossible, they ended their journey at Fenway Park where there Red Sox were playing at home, stayed for the game and then got up the next morning and completed a triathlon! I got tired just thinking about it - but they completed it! Through their many challenges that they had to face to even participate in some of these endurance events has paved the way for challenged athletes today.  

 Hearing their story first hand really shows you that, although you may only be one person, you can make a difference.  It might be for one person or it might be for many, but you can make a difference.

After seeing myTEAM TRIUMPH in action of the the last few years, this year will be the first year that I will be running as an Angel for mTT and I was a very proud mom when I found out that Darrin also decided that he is going to join the mTT Angel team and run the Bellin 10k and Packers 5k, helping to make someone else dreams a reality.  Sometimes it's not about doing it for you.
Meeting Dick Hoyt at the Bellin Run kick off Celebration
So, no matter why you think you can't do something, just remember, 

Yes you can!

Thank you Bellin and myTEAM TRIUMPH for bringing Dick Hoyt to Green Bay!  Thank you Dick for everything that you have done and continue to do!  This will be an experience that I know we will remember for a long time to come!

What I Ate Wednesday vol2

Time again for WIAW (What I ate Wednesday)!

Like I said last week, with all the miles and Renegade workouts, I really do eat a lot. Which is good for me, because I do like food!  Over the last few months, after I really made the big changes in what I eat, I have eliminated many things, but I have also found quite a few new foods and/or recipes that have become staples in my diet.  Over the next few weeks I will start sharing a few of these each week with you.

Today, it will only be one recipe, as I forgot to take the necessary picture for the other recipes that I wanted to share with you... oops!

The first recipe that I felt I needed to share is one of my new favorite "un"sandwiches...  who said you NEED bread for a sandwich?  Ok, most people will say that you do, but something does not have to have bread to make is a sandwich!  In reality, the bread is just a way to keep everything together so that you can get the "filling" to your mouth!  This summer summer chicken salad utilizes a lettuce leaf to transport the fillings from plate to mouth!  Genius!

Paleo Chicken Salad Summer Wrap

I found this recipe here at and after trying this one, you can be sure that I will be going back to try more of the recipes posted there!  "Boring" plain chicken is transformed into a fun, flavorful chicken salad that brings you back to feelings of warm summer days - and after the extreme cold temperatures that we have dealt with this winter, I will do anything to think warm!

*1/2 cup chopped chicken
*3 tbsp chopped Fuji apples
*2 tbsp chopped red grapes
*2 tsp honey
*2 tbsp almond butter

Mix ingredients together and wrap into a Romaine leaf

I have made this so many times that I honestly don't even measure anything anymore! I just chop up as much chicken as I have available, then eyeball the amount of everything so that I have a nice colorful mix.

You do have to be patient when mixing everything together as it does take a while for the almond butter and honey to soften, or "melt" enough to adequately coat everything else.  But trust me, it's worth the wait!

I also usually don't even bother with "wrapping" it in a lettuce leaf - I use the romaine leaf to make a boat for all of this chicken yumminess! for that matter, sometimes I don't even bother with the lettuce wrap and just eat it straight from the bowl!


Monday, February 17, 2014

Marathon training, 6 weeks down, 13 to go!l

No one ever said that training to run a marathon would be easy... but it will be worth it!

So far, the first half of that statement rings very true!  Training for the Cellcom Marathon has taken some getting used to for me. Miles, Miles Miles!  I live my life these days by the number of miles I have run!  Getting in the long runs, has not been the hard part for me.  It's the short, mid-week runs that  usually get me.  However, I have run more miles so far in 2014 than I did in the first 4 months of 2013 and have a gold of at least 750 miles by the end of the year.

 Between work and family schedules, sometimes it is hard to crank out a 4 mile run on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening.  Getting up early to run before work?  Been there, tried it.  It's tough, especially when I am usually in the office by 6am, and I really dislike treadmill running!  To get in a 4 mile run before work would mean that the alarm is going off before 4am every day, and this time of year means a date with the dreadmill.  Doing it once it a while is ok, but is not practical for every day. However, anything more than 4 miles would require getting up even earlier and I do admit - I like my sleep!

Now, please don't think that I my week days are void of activity.  Part of the reason that it is difficult for me to find time for my evening runs is that I don't want to miss my (almost) daily workouts at the gym!  Fitness Renegades as become such a part of my life that when I do have to skip a class, my day just seems "off".  These workouts are by no stretch "easy" and are definitely a key component in my conditioning. Each and every day is something a little bit different so I am never bored - which is a huge plus in my book! So, giving them up, or skipping them is NOT an option.  Plus, the crew there is pretty much like a second family and we are all out to help each other accomplish any goals that we have set.  Between the support from my family at home and at the gym, I know that I can conquer this adventure!
Last Thursday's Renegade workout
 On many occasions, I will head home after I leave the gym and knock out 3-4 miles on the TM or 10-15 miles on the bike, so the miles are still there, just in smaller quantities.

I also have found that I really look forward to the long Saturday morning training runs.  They have really shown me that I can do this.  Not only have I been able to increase the miles successfully each week, but I have also been able to keep my pace.  This past weekend, I finished the 10 mile training run faster than my average pace for the Brewers Mini Marathon last fall, so we still moving forward. I may not be the fasted one out there, but I am getting it done!

Anyone who is a runner, is used to having people tell them they are crazy (yes, this is actually a compliment to many of us!) and I heard that this weekend!  Not only did I complete my 10 mile training run, right after I finished, I drove around the corner to the gym (I drove, only because I had to move my car - next time, maybe I should just park AT the gym), warmed up, grabbed a foam roller, did some stretching and then joined the 10am Cardio Circuit class for 45 minutes of "fun".  Yes, I probably am on the edge of insane, but if I can pull off a 45 minute cardio circuit, I just proved to myself that there are more miles that I could have run!

Oh yeah.... I got up Sunday morning to catch another 45 minute fitness Renegade Cardio Circuit with Ty!

So, no matter what your running goals are for this year, they are going to push you to run further, run longer and probably make you wonder why you decided to do it, but don't give up!

It will be worth it in the end (at least that is what they say!)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

So what do you eat?

Ok, time to take things into a new direction. Well, maybe not in a new direction, but just shaking things up here a bit.

When I started this blog, it was named as it was, because I was looking to break some of the not so good habits that I had and replace them with new ones, tracking that journey as I went along.  That goal has not changed.  Over the last year, I have still written about some of that stuff, but my main focus had turned to all of the running that I have started doing.  Granted, that has been a HUGE new habit for me and I will continue to blog about my running adventures, but it is time to get back to adding more of the "other stuff" back in.

What exactly that will be it yet to be determined, but you can be assured that I will have fun with it along the way!

Now as I sit here, eating my lunch,  trying to decide what to write about today, it hit me... the one question I actually have people ask me all the time...

"So, what to you really eat anymore?"

I have been asked this question more times that I can count!  The answer?  A LOT!  Yes, I eat a lot, just not a lot at one time (just several times a day!).  This is not something that can easily be covered in one single post, so that brings us to the birth of "What I eat Wednesday"  Each Wednesday, my goal is to bring you a new recipe or food that I have tried, or something else related to "what I eat".

Over the last year I really have taking a look at the way that I was eating, as well as what I have been eating and made quite a few changes.  The biggest of these changes was last year when I started adopting more of a Paleo Diet.  This started last summer and I slowly started noticing more changes.  I wasn't getting headaches as often (I think I recall 1 migraine in the last 6 months), I wasn't getting tired shortly after eating lunch at work and I was sleeping better at night!  Then in November when I switched gyms and started at Fitness Renegades, I decided that it was time to just jump in.  The gym promotes a Paleo lifestyle so it was a great benefit to have an additional support system at my disposal.   There are many websites out there that will dig into the nitty gritty of a paleo lifestyle, but in a nutshell, its getting back to the basics.  Fresh fruits, veggies, meats and seafood.  It was a real learning process for me, and I am still learning.  Now, before you ask, or jump to any conclusions, what I eat is far from "perfect paleo" and I don't think I will ever get to that point.

I have eliminated virtually all bread from my diet - I think I can count the number of times I have eaten bread since November on one hand!  I also have eliminated most processed foods and dairy, I don't remember the last time I had a soda (probably less than 6 in the last year!).  Don't get me wrong, I still have my splurges!  I love dark chocolate and wine and will always find a time to enjoy those, along with a beer from time to time.  Everything in moderation!

One thing that has been a huge benefit for me is that my mom completely changed up her eating habits a few years ago and has been able to give me a ton of ideas on foods to try etc.  Plus is makes it nice knowing that when we get together with my family, I know that there will be options available for me to enjoy so that I don't feel like I am missing out on something good!

So, to answer the question, what do I eat?

Most weekday mornings, breakfast is eggs with whatever fresh veggies are in the fridge.  This week it's been sweet potato, mushrooms, green onions, spinach and 3 eggs.  I generally am never able to really eat right away when I first wake up in the morning, so I cook my breakfast at home and then take it to work to eat a little later.  
 While my breakfast is cooking, it is time to play with the juicer!  More fruits and veggies are juiced together and put into a travel mug to head to work with me for my mid-morning snack.  This particular blend was carrot, beets, green apple, ginger and pineapple.  There are days that I will also add some spinach or kale to the mix or change up the fruits, but this as turned into the pick me up that I need to keep my day going.
Now on to lunch.  Many times lunch at work is leftovers from the night before (if there is anything left) but this week I found huge tubs of baby spinach on sale!  So, I picked up some chicken breasts and cooked off 4 of them on Sunday to put in the fridge to use during the week.  Today's salad was my baby spinach topped with chicken, raw almonds, blueberries, strawberries and avocado, topped with an oil free pomegranate vinaigrette.

There is no going hungry for this girl!  Which is a good thing because with intense workouts that I get at Fitness Renegades and all of the miles that I run, I need all the energy I can get!  There are so many different foods that I have tried in the last few months that I will slowly share with you as time permits!

Now that What I Eat Wednesday has been mad official, it is time for this girl to get some sleep.  The foods that I eat definitely give me energy, but after a 12 hour work day, there comes a time when you just need to call it a day and get some rest!

Until next time...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I almost quit... but glad I didn't!

This morning was the 9th annual Seroogy's Valentines run.  Running outside, in Wisconsin, in February?  Sure why not!    I did this run a few years ago with a friend and that 5k just about killed us!  It was cold and breathing hurt... so why would I do it again?  Because that is what we crazy runners do!  This was going to be a little different tho, as I signed up for the 15k, it was -4 when we started and I was running with a crew of amazing myTeamTriumph Angels.

When I woke up this morning, I started questioning my decision to run this 15k.  It was -6 outside, I was tired and I would have loved to just crawl back into my nice warm bed.  But I didn't.  I started puling on the layers so that I would not freeze today.  I almost felt like Randy in the Christmas story after I got all my layers on.. knee high compression socks, running tights, my crazy color running tights over those, then topped with yoga pants, under armor cold gear long sleeve shirt, Seroogy's run long sleeve shirt and then my running jacket!  to complete the look - my new under armor hood to keep my head, neck and face warm!   Or course I had to add my myTeamTriumph scarf and Black Rockstar flower.  I was going to (hopefully) stay warm!
 As we approached the starting line, I realized that I was dealing with frozen toes already.  This was not going to be fun!  If my feet were this cold already, how am I going to run 9.3 miles? Ouch   By the time I was just past the 2 mile marker, I was second guessing my choice to do the long run.  My toes felt like ice cubes to the point that they hurt!  I was arguing with myself, trying to decide if I was going to make the right turn up ahead and just do the 5k and call it a day, or left turn up ahead, suck it up and do what I came out to do.  The way my toes felt, just doing the 5k was sounding better and better.  As the intersection came into view, I knew it was do or die time....

I sucked it up and turned left.

I ignored the pain in my toes and kept running.   I was keeping my pace and other than my toes, I felt great.  All of a sudden, at about mile 4, I realized that my toes no longer hurt!  They finally decided to warm up and join the party!  I felt like a new person!  I knew I was going to conqueror this mission!

One thing about this course that is nice is that there is a nice long downhill stretch at the end.  By this time, I knew I was close to the end and found a new spring in my step and was ready to finish this thing!  There was chocolate waiting for me at the end!  I pushed that last mile (which ended up being my fasted mile of the morning) and finished strong with a smile on my face
Katie and I warming up after
I ended up finishing in 1:43:13 (just over 11 minute miles) and have zero regrets!  I am so glad that I didn't quit and only run the 5k.  Finishing my first 15k winter race was a great feeling!  Next scheduled run... the Kiss Me I'm Irish run next month in Phoenix!! (yay to running in warmer temps!!!)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Winter Polor Vortex and my new best friend, the Dreadmill

 Anyone who has lived or visited Wisconsin in the winter is aware of the beauty and crispness of a new fallen snow.  They also have knowledge of the bone chilling cold that we are blessed with on more than a few occasions during the winter.

Frozen eggs!
This year is a harsh exception.  They called it a Polar Vortex... I just know it has been really cold! We have had more below zero days in the last 2 months than I can recall in the 15 years I have lived through Wisconsin winters.  Of course, the 25 years before that, I lived in Michigan, so I am no stranger to cold, snowy winters.  The schools in the area have closed more this winter due to frigid temperatures than they normally do for snow days. In fact on one one of these "Cold Days" off from school, my 15 year old decided to freeze an egg outside... took less than 15 minutes!  We have gotten into the habit at work of going out to start our cars a few items during the day just so that we know that we will be able to start our vehicles to get home in the evening!

This year is the first winter that I have attempted to keep my miles up through the winter.  In the last, I did all my running in the summer and by the time the Turkey Trot rolled around, I was ready to hang up my running shoes for the winter.  There were a few years that I did do the Noodleini 5k and the Seroogey's Valentines run, but this was definitely not my desired running environment.   After all of the miles that I logged over the summer, I made a vow to myself that I was going to keep the miles going through the winter... and I was going to try and run outside as much as I could.  I did not want to face the Dreadmill!  However, Mother Nature had other plans!  running outside when temps hit the mid 20's is one thing.  Sub zero temps in an entirely different beast.

After 6 mile training run
In January when the Cellcom Marathon training runs started I had plans to get out and run with everyone else.  The first Saturday morning training run, Green Bay was covered with a thick blanket of ice from the storm the night before.  I hit the dreadmill for a few miles before heading to the gym for a food cardio circuit.  The following weekend, despite sub zero temps, I headed out for the training run.  It was nice to get out and see many friends on the course but when you finish a run with icicles on your eye lashes, you know it was cold!  But I survived... and then went to the gym to warm up with a good cardio circuit!

My mornings and/or evenings have been spent with short visits to the Dreadmill and I was still struggling to get beyond 3-3.5 miles.  The treadmill has never been my first choice when it comes to running, but I knew this is what I had to do.  Fast forward to the end of January... 7 mile training run at 7am.  When you wake up at 5am and the temp outside is -9, there is no getting out of bed for that! After 45 minutes, it did warm "up" to -4 but with 30mph winds, running outside was out of the question.

I finally came to the harsh realization that this winter there was not going to be as much running outside as I wanted.  I needed to learn to get past my hatred of the treadmill and just suck it up.  I really have no reason to not enjoy these runs just as much as my outside runs.  I have a TV with cable, Netfix and a DVD player right in front of the treadmill so I can watch what I want.  My headphones still work inside, so I can still have my music.  Plus, there is a bathroom less than 10 feel from my treadmill so I can take a quick break when I need to, without having to find the next park or gas station to find a bathroom.

Since we were up in Michigan at the Eben Ice Caves last Saturday, I had no choice but the miss the training run and had to do my 8 miles solo.  These solo miles ended up being on Sunday morning, before the Super Bowl festivities started at our house.  I knew I had to do the miles and needed to get past the negative thoughts I have about the treadmill.

It was tough.  I wanted to quit.  I had to walk part of the time, but I finally broke that 3.5 mile barrier on the treadmill.  I finished my 8 miles inside on the treadmill!  I have no excuses anymore!  Winter may have thrown me a curve ball and changed my running plans, but I'm not going to let that stop me!

Now that I know I can do the miles on my treadmill, time to kick it up a notch and start some more intervals and hills on my treadmill!!  This weekend is the Seroogy's Valentines Run.  Instead of doing the regular training run, I opted for this 15k.  I get chocolate and cookies at the end of this one!  My first official race of 2014 and it promises to be a memorable one - I'm just hoping that the weather forecast changes at least to be a little warmer before 8am Saturday morning rolls around!