Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lazy Lobster Run 5 Mile Run 2013

aka Birthday Hangover Classic 2013

Today was the Lazy Lobster Race 5 Miles Run with Wendy.  This run is a race in conjunction with the myTeam Triumph team in Cape Cod.  No, we were NOT in Cape Code this morning...  They are actually running the race tomorrow (June 16th) in Massachusetts but they contacted the local mTT chapter to invite them to participate as virtual runners for this event.  With our paid registration, we would get all the t-shirts, goodie bags and medals that the actual event participants would be receiving.  Wait - we get a medal for this?  Count us in!!  It's all about the bling baby!

Wendy and I before our 5 mile run
As virtual runners for this event, we had to option to run our 5 miles at any time, on any course of our choosing.  We chose to do our run today... the day AFTER my birthday party!  They say that running cures hangovers so we were going to test that theory!  Granted, we actually woke up feeling pretty good after the festivities of the night before, so this was going to be a good run!  This was also going to be the longest run Wendy has done in the last few years, after dealing with a few injuries.  It's going to be a slow 5 miles, but it will still is going to be 5 miles!

It was a great morning for our run, we just needed to make sure we stayed ahead of the storms that were foretasted to hit the area this afternoon!  The cool breeze when we started was very promising for a comfortable run.  Unfortunately that was short lived.  The breeze did stick around but it wasn't as cool as it was when we started and you could feel the humidity level rising.  But we plugged through it. It was actually nice to hit the Mountain Bay Trail for part of our run, as that took us more into the shade, instead of in the bright beating sun that decided to come out!

We ended up hitting 5 miles in 1 hour and 1 minute!  Not bad for what we were saying was going to be a "slow run" today!  We also finished at the perfect time - as I was driving home it started to rain.  Granted it was a light cool rain that would have actually been nice to run in, but it was still rain!

It was a great day for a fun run that benefited a great cause!  Best part?  Shortly after I got home, the mail arrived and I received my t-shirt and medal from Cape Cod for this race!  I LOVE the Lobster Medal!!
T-shirt, bib number and medal from Cape Cod!

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