Monday, September 1, 2014

Hike, Bike and Ice: Munising weekend 2014 comes to a close

As always, any good vacation must come to and end. 

Unfortunately, that was today.  But I am not going to let it put a damper on any of the fun adventures that we had this weekend!  The weather was awesome (a little rain overnight on Friday didn't bother us since we were sleeping), we met some great people and of course kept busy!

I will admit, I had every intention of getting up and going for a run along the lake this morning, but that never happened!  I actually slept until almost 8:30 (a very rare thing for me as my internal clock rarely lets me sleep past 7am).  We finished off the stuff we had in the fridge for breakfast and started loading up the car.  By the time we got everything packed up and the bikes on the car, we figured that we would head into town to grab a quick (early) lunch at the Lunch Bag again since I had another certificate to use there.

As luck would have it, the Lunch Bag didn't open until 1pm, so we were not going to wait that long.  Since the certificate we had was only good for another few days, we decided to run back to the hotel to drop it off the certificate for Pam, the uber helpful gal that was working in the office most of the weekend.  If we couldn't use the certificate, she could use it to enjoy lunch one day!

Good bye Munising!  Thank you for another weekend of awesome memories and adventures!  Next stop, on the way home, the UP State Fair.  I have not been to this fair since I was probably Darrin's age, if not younger!  
This year, Sunday at the Fair was Scout Day!  All Scouts, in uniform, got in for free.  They also had scouts there doing demos on cooking, hiking, knot tying and more.  Once we got to the fairgrounds, the first thing Darrin wanted to do was find the Scouts... My mission was a restroom.  Thankfully the restroom was on the way to the scout tent!

When we got to the tent, Darrin was actually put to work, helping with some of the dutch oven cooking they were doing as well as helping with a Hiking preparedness presentation.  

We then spent the next few hours walking through the exhibit halls, browsing the fair vendors and eating a few fair treats.  We were just on our way our to the car and Darrin realized there was something going on in the grandstand. He said it looked like the Demolition Derby so we decided to go check it out for a while.

Come to find out it was actually "Armageddon on Wheels" - where demolition derby and dirt track racing collide! A Mini Van racing?  Chasing a retired police car?  Why not!

The next hour or so was filled with various races, interesting vehicles, lost of dirt and crashing!

Darrin decided one of the coolest trucks out of the course during the first part of the show was the modified Sprint Truck... truck?  Yes!  Someone modified their truck to resemble a sprint car!  Unfortunately, after he took the last jump on the course, his wings fell off the truck on his way off the track.  Hopefully he could get them fixed before the next heat!
The highlight of the afternoon (at least in our eyes) was the bus race.  Figure 8 bus races!  Everything from short buses to full size school buses were unleashed on the figure 8 track, with the mission to be the last one left standing, or the first on to finish 8 laps!  
Now t

Finally we needed to hit the road for home so that we could get laundry and everything else done before it got too late. Once we got home, I had an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to take care of, thanks to our good friend Dean. (hence why I added "ice" to the title of these blog posts)  I was going to post a few pics here, but we actually only got a video and my computer is not cooperating and allowing me to post the video (I tried adding the ones that I took of the bus races at the fair and I have not been able to get it to work).  One of these days when I have time to play with it more I will have to post the videos.

Overall, it was an awesome weekend that I am glad we had the opportunity for!  This was the 4th year that Darrin and I made up to Munising.  We have not decided if we are going back to Munising next year for our summer adventure or if we are going to go somewhere else to get in some hiking and biking.

No matter where we end up going, you can be sure that we will find all kinds of interesting things and places to explore!

Total miles for today = 2.3
Total miles for the weekend = 30.8

Yes this is short of our overall goal, which I knew was going to be tough.  We may not have made 50 miles but the miles that we put in were nothing short of awesome!

Now time to switch gears and start preparing for back to school!

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