Friday, September 13, 2013

New experiences to put things into a different perspective

Every once in a while we need to experience something different, something new, to put things into perspective and help us to understand why we do what we do. Or make you think about what else you could be doing...

On Wednesday night I had my first opportunity to join myTeam Triumph for one of their training runs.  I have a few friends that are involved with this amazing group and have always been impressed with everything that they do.  I have seen them in action at many of the events that I have done over the last year, and have been amazed at what they do for those athletes.

For those of you that are not familiar with myTeam Triumph, their mission is to enrich the lives of those with disabilities with the opportunity to experience the triumphs that you and I may take for granted.  Through the use of specialize racing equipment, these Angels guide Captains through road races (running and/or biking) or triathlons, crossing the finish line together... creating life long memories and lasting friendships.  Running (or walking) a 5K may not seem like a big deal for you, but when you have a disability that prohibits you from even attempting that, being able to actually cross that finish line, this opportunity creates new opportunities for everyone.

When I arrived for the training run, they were busy getting chariots ready for the Captains that would be joining us tonight.  Since this was the first training run that I had been to, I had no idea what to expect, so I just stood back and watched everyone in action.  As Captains arrived, it was plain to see that even these training runs are a big deal for everyone.  From veteran Captains to rookie Captains, each and every Angel that was there made sure everyone felt welcome and shared in the enthusiasm of the Captains.  The excitement on the faces of each and every one of the Captains makes it easy to see why this is such a rewarding experience for them, as well as each of these selfless Angels.

Tonight's run was a nice 5 mile route and it was plain to see the amazing bond that the Angels and Captains have.  It was a very rewarding evening, spent with some very inspirational people.  I can't wait to get back out and run with this fine group on individuals again!  Next year I need to get more involved with mTT!!

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