Saturday, April 23, 2016

Why Skirts? The question really should be "Why NOT?"

There is so much more to running than just getting up one morning and deciding to run a half marathon (or whatever distance you choose!).  There's hours of training, early morning runs, and so much more, but that is a whole different post.

Today we are talking about the statement you make when you run!  Are you the practical running that just grabs whatever shorts and shirt out of the drawer, throws on some socks and shoes and heads out the door?  Or do you have a few tried and true items that you always put on for a run?
at the start line of the St Pat's 17k in Phoenix AZ, 2014

If you have been running for more than a few months, you have probably already found a few items that you tend to gravitate to when you head out for a run.  Maybe its'a shirt shouting your support of a certain organization or maybe it's just the most comfortable pair of shorts that you have ever owned.  For me, I have gone through several phases with my running apparel and I have finally found what works for me... that go to item that I don't leave home without...

My running skirt!
Disney Dark Side Half marathon, FL 2016

I discovered Skirt Sports a few years ago, thanks to a friend!  At the time, I didn't really think that a skirt would be comfortable to run in, but she insisted that they were. I was skeptical. Finally after browsing the website for a few months, I finally broke down and ordered one.

Game changer!


 Everyone loves a good comfortable pair of running shorts, but many of us ladies would prefer a loser fit to keep the booty covered.   Best of both worlds!  Comfortable compression shorts under a super cute skirt to keep you feeling comfortable, confident and ready to run!  The built in compression shorts have this awesome little "grippies" on the bottom so they stay in place!  No shorts crawling, no chaffing, no booty hanging out for the world to see.  (I have always said I will keep in real here... that will never change!).  Depending on which skirt you order, the shorts are slightly different lengths, but no matter what option you choose, they WILL stay in place!

With a hidden pocket on EACH leg of the shorts, I have room for my phone (which I always carry with me when I run) as well as fuel (Gluten Free Stinger Waffles and Margarita Clif Blocks are usually with me!), without having to take my hydration belt with me!  Keep in mind, I have still not completely weened myself off the hydration belt for my half marathons.  With my recent dietary changes that I have recently had to made has caused me to have to make some adjustments to my race fuel and I am still trying to work out exactly how much of each I need to have with me.  Plus having my own beverages with me is another security blanket that I can't give up on those long events!

But for anything shorter than a half marathon, no extra pockets are needed!  The pockets in my shorts are enough to carry everything I need!  If 2 pockets are not enough, check out the Happy Girl Skirt - it has a 3rd pocket tucked into the waistband on the back of the skirt!

These skirts have proven to me that skirts are more comfortable than any other options that I have tried to run in!  I actually will wear mine any chance I get!  On our recent trip to Florida, I actually lived in my Skirt Sports skirts and Capri's all weekend (yes they have shorts and capri's too... that's a whole other side of the adventure!). 

Oh yeah... the fun patterns and high quality of these skirts make them great to run in, but I have also been known to pair them with a sweater or dressy top and wear them to work.  I even wore them for my son's Boy Scout Eagle Ceremony!

My next purchase?  A running dress!  Yes, you read that right!  A dress!  Just need to get it ordered, and if it gets here in time, I'll debut it at the Indy Mini 5K on May 7th!


 Right now, you can actually get your own skirt to try and save a few bucks in the processes!  Literally as I was writing this, I received an email with a sneak peak of the Mothers Day Sales, which technically starts tomorrow, but as my friend (or family) I am able to share this with you ahead of time!  Use the discount code EXTRA20 to save an additional 20% off any sale priced items!  Yes, that means you could save up to 70% on some items!

Click here to find all the NEW Spring 2016 colors and prints at Skirt Sports!  Head on over to Skirt Sports to check out what you might be missing!  While you are at it... pick up something for mom!  I am sure she will appreciate it!

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