Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ty's Weekend Warrior Insanity Sessions - I won't let them kill me!

Yes, these workouts are crazy, some even say insane, but I keep going back for more!  They push me to do things that I never thought I could do... and probably would never have tried! Ty, this post is just for you!  You come up with some crazy workouts, push us to do some crazy things, but in the end, I really do look forward to the weekends that I can actually get in to the gym and see you!

People have often asked what these crazy workouts consist of, so I cam going to try and post some of them out here when I have a chance (especially the really "Special" i.e insane ones!)

Some of us joke with him every weekend that he is trying to kill us! (we all cringe is we see him walking around the gym with a deck of cards - but we will save that for another day!)  Hence the headbands that I got for Darci and I!   However... even if we think he is trying to kill us, we are the ones that keep going back week after week!  We are a special kind of crazy and I wouldn't have it any other way!

This past weekend, was not different!  Well, maybe it was a little different... I was originally going to head in for the 9am class, getting in my workout, heading home to shower and then hit the road for a weekend of camping.  at 5:30am Saturday morning, I was wide awake.  So, I decided to just get up and got for a run INSTEAD of waiting to go to the gym.  I headed out and did a 3 mile tempo run through the neighborhood and was back home relaxing on my deck by 7am.

Now I was faced with a dilemma... what was I going to do now... everyone else was still sleeping.  I posted the above pic on FB and Ty was the first one to comment... "Class at 8,9 and 10?"  Hmmm...  I could make the 8am class and we would still be able to hit the road for the camper at decent time.  I shot a quick message off to Lisa to tell her I was thinking about hitting the 8am class instead if there was still room.  Before I could change my mind, she replied back that she was in.  There were 4 slots left for the 8am class (well, 3 since she already changed herself from the 9am to the 8am class).  Time to put the shoes back on and head out the door!  I got to they gym just as Ty was getting there and his first words were "hope you are ready for some fun today!"...  So in other words, I might be dreading that I hit the gym AFTER that run...  

Here goes nothing... It was total body challenge Saturday! 
 Yes, you read that right... 100 of EACH exercise listed in the orange.  The 3 listed on the left were to be done after you finished with everything else.  Yes that meant a total of 940 reps once all is said and done!   All within the 40 minute time limit!

Time to get busy.  We were allowed to break up our workout any way that we wanted, we just had to make sure that we completed all 100 of each exercise.  Lisa and I decided to divide it into 4 sections and do 25 of each (4 rounds total).  Granted, doing 100 squats at once is doable, but there is no way that I was going to attempt 100 push-ups in one go!

I was not going to let this workout get the best of me!  I pushed it with everything I had.  I was not going to let Ty's Crazy Insanity workout take me down!

In the end, I ended up finishing in 25:46!

Post workout... not dead yet!
He may have tried to kill me again today, but he has not succeeded yet!  Knowing I made it through that, after my 3 mile tempo run, was going to make a weekend of camping even that much more enjoyable!

Until next time... keep pushing it!  You will be glad that you did!

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